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I am Abishur Prakash.

Keynote Speaker

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Key Focus Areas: US-China, Globalization, AI, International Affairs, Blocs, Trade, Eurasia, Middle East, Americas, Africa


My name is Abishur Prakash. I work with companies and nations, helping them deal with geopolitics.


My journey to this point, like many others, is unorthodox. I was born in New Zealand to parents from India. I had my childhood in Australia, and have grown as an adult in Canada. From the get-go, my DNA was global.


Little did I know, but this type of upbringing, encompassing multiple cultures and time zones, would influence the direction of my life down the road. During my time in university, I gravitated towards a deeper understanding of how the world worked. A short entrepreneurial stint later, and it became clear to me that my passion lay in geopolitics.


Since 2013, geopolitics has been my specialization and forte.


My focus is on the big macro transformations, starting with "Next Geopolitics" (my expression for geopolitics+tech) to "Vertical Globalization" (the new design of globalization) to "The Metamorphosis" (the new era of geopolitics underway).


For almost a decade, I worked as a Geopolitical Futurist at Center for Innovating the Future (CIF), a strategy-foresight firm, advising clients on what's next for geopolitics. Today, I work as a Geopolitical Strategist at The Geopolitical Business, Inc, a strategic advisory firm in Toronto, Canada, where I keep organizations competitive and profitable as a new era of geopolitics begins.


Since 2016, I have published multiple books on geopolitics, including "Next Geopolitics: Volume One & Two," "Go.AI (Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence)" and "The World Is Vertical." Some of my titles have also been published in other languages.


I am based in Toronto and very much enjoy meeting new people. If you are ever in the city, it would be great to meet (abishur at nextgeopolitics dot com).

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