My books are focused on the tectonic geopolitical transformations that are sweeping across the world. They are written to give leaders an idea of the new "big picture" when it comes to world affairs.

The World
Is Vertical
The new design of globalization is vertical (full of walls and barriers). This book paints a picture of the new vertical environment nations and businesses have to operate in, with a focus on technology.
The Age Of
Killer Robots
Weapons controlled by AI, not humans, are no longer science fiction. This book sheds light on how countries are developing "killer robots" and what's at stake for global security.
English, Hungarian
Go. AI (Geopolitics Of Artificial Intelligence)
Who will call the shots in the future? It will depend on who can harness and utilize AI. This is the world's first book on how AI and geopolitics are fusing together, and where it could take the world.
English, Hungarian
Next Geopolitics: Volume Two
From EVs to brain implants, a host of new technologies is revolutionizing geopolitics. This book lays out how these technologies could change the balance of power.
English, Hungarian
Next Geopolitics: Volume One
The first book on geopolitics and technology. It launched the modern-day "geopolitics+tech" field.